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RFB's World of Torts!


Two quarters and a heart down

After Nick and Mary's "First Dance," (I'm sure they've danced before. I mean, come on, it's the 21st century. Nobody waits until marriage anymore) everyone got down to the sweet tunes blaring out of Nick's laptop.

Even these two stone cold lesbones from LA. The one with her back to the camera, Kelly, also grew up in Scottsdale!

I feel like dancing is more popular now than ever before. I mean, I guess dancing has always been popular, but now you don't have to be good at it. Nobody needs to be Gene Kelly. It's just cool to be a person that is dancing, not necessarily a person that is dancing well. I'm going to be semi-racist and say that this an extension of my theory that white people's influence on popular culture is on the rise. Not that that's good. It's probably bad. But I still think it's happening. Sorry, non-white people. Shit'll swing back around, I promise.


Hands Down

Thanks, Fran. I mostly pissed it away.

No, there is no other one

Ashley and I went to the Nick Dreher and Mary Johnson wedding held here:
Which can be found in Sycamore, IL.
This picture doesn't really do Nick's childhood portrait justice. Nick's much uglier in the real picture rather than this picture of the picture. This should really be used to inspire and bring hope to ugly kids around the world. You can look like a demon with Down syndrome at age 5, but still grow up to nail down a hot piece of tail like Mary Johnson. Good work, Nick. You're the post-puberty polar opposite of Jonathan Lipnicki.

Nick Dreher and Mary Johnson, I now pronounce you...
...Nick Dreher and Mary Johnson!

Rock me, momma, like a wagon wheel.

I think I may have captured the very first post-marrital fight. If it doesn't work out, we'll look back at this image and be able to pinpoint the exact moment when it all started to fall apart. But that's not going to happen. Those kids are fucking perfect together.

It was crazy foggy on the ride back home. I passed out in the car almost immediately after leaving Blumen Gardens and woke up when Ashely was a good 30-minutes off course. She was nice enough to stop off at a late nite Taco Bell. I bought two bean burritos (fresco style) from the Drive-Thru and ate them without any delay in a single fluid motion that began when the cashier passed them through the rented VW Beatle's driver's side window. They were glorious.